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Island Meats ( Arran & Mull )
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All our beef is Scottish born and reared, sourced mainly from Mull, Arran and Argyll with an occasional supply of Highlanders from our friends in Caithness, full traceability assured from farm to fork.

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    Seletected cuts of beef steak, minced twice

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    Hand Diced Shoulder Steak

    Popeseye (Rump) Steak for Grilling

    Beef sausage wrapped in thin slice of silverside for the casserole

    Topside Roast from specially selected beef

    Bone - in Rib of Beef

    Pre order only

    Silverside Beef Roast

    Sirloin Steak

    Rolled Brisket from the shoulder end of the carcase

    ideal for pot roast with a bit of juicy fat on the inside of the joint

    Braising Steak/Round steak

    Thickly cut, ideal for braising in large slices

    Pieces of bone - in boiling beef

    cut from the thick fleshy part of the rib

    perfect for your beef broth

    Deliciously juicy Rib Eye

    Taken from the fore rib roast with the fat cap removed

    Bone - in or boneless beef hough.

    for stewing or soups

    Thin slices of Beef Topside

    Used for Stir Fries, Beef Sandwitches

    Beef Olives, Quick Frying


    Island Meats ( Arran & Mull )
    2 D Nonhebel Park
    Isle of Mull
    PA75 6RG
    Mobile: 07962 219481