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Stockists on Arran & Kintyre 

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Pirnmill Village Store & Post Office

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A C Cameron Post Office & Licenced Grocer

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The Bay Kitchen and Stores

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Click picture for

The Kintyre Larder

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Stockists of Island Meats

Our products can be found in Pirnmill Village Store & Post Office and The Bay Kitchen and Stores ( Above ), and our newest stockist this year, A C Cameron, Blackwaterfoot PO, all of whom are on The Isle of Arran.

We do also supply

The Kintyre Larder in Campbeltown, if you happen to be visiting.

They are kept well stocked with a variety of popular retail cuts of  top quality beef, lamb, pork and venison.

We offer a good selection of flavoured pork sausages, burgers and other manufactured products, including bacon, black pudding and haggis all home made.

Our beef is predominently sourced from The Isle of Mull, Arran or surrounding areas, however as demand increases we do source native breeds from further afield when necessary, with full traceability.

Our lamb, hogget and mutton is sourced from Altgolach Farm, Pirnmill on the Island of Arran.

Venison is sourced on Mull and Arran during shooting season and we stock enough frozen product to see us through the close season.

We have been stocking the shop in Pirnmill since early 2014, and Whiting Bay 2020. We aim to deliver every two to three weeks during Summer and monthly during the Winter.

Due to the logistics of distribution between the two Islands, all our products are frozen, and will have up to 12 months "best before" date.

Special requests for other products or larger pack sizes, can be made to the proprietors of these shops, and we will endeavour to supply on the next available delivery date.

We can also accommodate larger freezer orders, on request. eg whole or half lambs, quarters or sides of beef.

Island Meats ( Arran & Mull )
2 D Nonhebel Park
Isle of Mull
PA75 6RG
Mobile: 07962 219481